Last May I completed one of my all-time favorite classes. It was an exegetical course on Romans 9-11 conducted by The Bethlehem Institute (the vocational elder training program of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, MN). It seems that all the great themes of the Christian faith (not to mention some of the most controversial doctrines!) are in Romans 9-11. The doctrine of divine election (Rom 9:1-29), the relationship between God’s law and what it means to become righteous (Rom 9:30 – 10:13), the remnant of Israel and its relationship to Gentile believers (and related end-times issues). It’s all there in three marvelous chapters! And I had the privilege of diving deep into the Greek text, with the expectation of being able to sight read those three chapters.
All that to say that it’s pretty awesome that the latest issue of Modern Reformation focuses on Romans 9-11, and that they’ve made a few articles available for free.
There is also that interview with Jerry Walls (a philosophically articulate Arminian) that I previously mentioned, and what sounds like an interesting Calvinism and Arminianism: At-a-Glance chart.
(HT: Justin Taylor)