“There is no better guide to college than this.”
Alex and Brett Harris, best-selling authors of Do Hard Things
“Most Christian young people go to college without specific goals and are unprepared for the challenges that await them. While some prosper spiritually, most get derailed, and an alarming number abandon their faith. Alex has written an insightful and useful book to help college-bound people know what to expect, how to prepare for it, and what to do to avoid the pitfalls.”
Randy Alcorn, best-selling author of Heaven and If God is Good
“Written by an ‘insider’—a former student, now a professor, this book addresses all the issues a student might face. It will be an excellent gift for all high school seniors.”
Dr. Jerry Bridges, best-selling author of The Pursuit of Holiness
“College represents one of the most strategic transitional moments in the lives of most young Christians. In this book, Alex provides good wisdom and sound, practical advice to young Christians seeking to navigate the world of higher education while simultaneously maturing into faithful Christians.”
Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“Writing from the perspective of both a parent and a professor, Alex presents a practical guide on how students can spiritually and intellectually thrive during their college years. This book will be required reading for all three of my children.”
Tullian Tchividjian, senior pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
“Thriving at College is a significant how-to volume to help new college students and their families prepare for and adjust to the numerous transitions that accompany the college experience.”
Dr. David S. Dockery, president of Union University
“Many in my generation look back on their college years with regret, wishing we had been more intentional and focused during our time on campus. Before you invest four years of your life and tens of thousands of dollars, spend a few dollars and a few hours to read this book.”
Bob Lepine, cohost of FamilyLife Today
“A commonsense approach to ten common mistakes concerning time management, sex, grades, relationships with parents, and others things that might seem simple but rarely are.”
Dr. Marvin Olasky, editor in chief of World magazine
“Alex’s goal is to spare college-bound young people from entering college thoughtlessly and then drifting after they are there. The book has all the right ingredients to meet that goal.”
Dr. Leland Ryken, professor at Wheaton College
“All the things I speak to college students about are here: maintaining your faith, developing nurturing friendships, having wisdom in relationships, becoming mature, finding balance, growing in spiritual maturity, seizing opportunities. A must-read for kids headed to college and those already there.”
Tedd Tripp, best-selling author of Shepherding a Child’s Heart
“When Alex talks about thriving at college, he speaks from experience. He has spent a lot of time on campus: from undergrad to professor. Put all of that together, along with a wide knowledge of Scripture, and you have the ideal author of a really helpful book.”
Dr. Michael Horton, professor at Westminster Seminary, California
“I’ve been a Campus Pastor for the last seventeen years, and have seen a lot of excellent books on how a Christian student should go about being a truly Christian student. Chediak’s book is the best I’ve seen.”
Ben Patterson, campus pastor at Westmont College
“A handbook of practical wisdom for the would-be college student. Essential summer read for every incoming freshman.”
Dr. Gene Veith, provost of Patrick Henry College
“Alex cuts through the nonsense and non-advice so many college students receive to tell them exactly what you need to know: college is a pivotal season that carries great promise, but you have to take specific steps now to set yourself apart and thrive. Thriving at College is a cheat sheet, a strategy session, and a pep talk rolled into one. Investing in this book is investing in your future. ”
Lisa Anderson, host of Focus on the Family’s The Boundless Show
“It would be hard to find a better book for the new college student than Thriving at College.”
Mark Cosgrove, Professor and Chair, Department of Psychology, Taylor University