Beating the College Debt Trap

Does the cost of college seem maddeningly out of reach? Have your parents told you they can’t afford to help? Join the club: millions of students these days have no idea how they’re going to afford the education they know they need to have a shot at landing a decent job. But what if I […]
Thriving at College

Tyndale House Publisher’s Description Going to college can be exciting, anxiety inducing, and expensive! You want your child to get the most out of their college experience—what advice do you give? Thriving at College by Alex Chediak is the perfect gift for a college student or a soon-to-be college student. Filled with wisdom and practical advice […]
Preparing Your Teens for College

Tyndale House Publisher’s Description Will my teens’ faith be strong enough to withstand the tests of college? Will they focus on their studies or squander their free time? Will they form healthy friendships or join the wrong crowd? Dr. Chediak has watched too many college students flounder over these and other issues. Sadly, 44 percent […]
With One Voice

The ritual of courtship in America has depreciated to the degree that the path to marriage, once enriched by established cultural patterns, gender role expectations, and a sense of the normalcy of marriage, has become a bewildering maze. A century ago, young people looked forward to marriage and child rearing as both marks of adulthood […]
5 Paths to the Love of Your Life

Why Alex Chediak organized this book: Many books on the area of Christian dating or courtship disagree with each other. The extent of this disagreement, however, can be difficult to discern. Caricatures, though widespread, are often not fair. “All who date are less godly than those who court.” Or “courtship people are all rigid and […]