I really enjoyed and was blessed by the Desiring God National Conference. Hosting Mark Driscoll was fun. We had a good time chatting about the 10 year anniversary of Mars Hill Church, his upcoming writing projects (Death by Love, and an essay in a multiviews book on the Trinity, the atonement, and one other big topic….the multiviews book is ready to go, and it comes out in January), and general church/culture stuff. The funniest moment came about 30 minutes before the Friday evening Q&A session when he asked me to please run and get him a couple cans of Red Bull. To accomplish this in a timely manner, I said “excuse me” a number of times to work my way through the crowd to get out of the Auditorium (of course, we were sitting at the front), then I jogged all the way to the nearest hotel through the indoor tunnel system, ordered the Red Bull at a bar (where else would Mark have got it?), and ran all the way back. 10 minutes, round trip. Mark expressed gratitude, noting that “with this and the Holy Spirit, I’ll be good to go.” And he was.
All the messages from this weekend are now online.