Mary K. Ham offers these brief remarks regarding the recent shift in momentum (which the MSM isn’t talking about). Excerpt:
Bush job approval: 43%, up from 40 (Registered Voters)
Generic Likely Voter, Dem +6 (down from Dem +14)
Right Track/Wrong Track (RV): 39/59, up from 32/66
Who do you trust on Iraq (RV)? Dem 42, Rep 42, up from Dem 48, Rep 40
Party that best reflects your values (RV): Dems 48, Rep 44, up from Dems 53, Reps 37
And so on…now many of those numbers are still pretty dismal for Republicans, but clearly a more accurate, unbiased headline would be: Republicans Closing Gap As Election Nears…that’s the story the survey tells, anyway…