Given its significance, I am very grateful that Denny Burk has pointed to an online version of The Weight of Glory by C.S. Lewis. C.S. Lewis wrote some wonderful fiction, such as The Chronicles of Narnia and The Space Trilogy. Lewis is perhaps less well known for his shorter writings, many of which are loaded with outstanding insights expressed with lucidity and incision. The Weight of Glory is one such work. This nine-page essay (originally given as a sermon) has been influential in the lives of many, including John Piper, who quotes from it several times in his first major book, Desiring God. By the way, I previously posted a primer on Desiring God, in case you are unfamiliar with it.
Happy Reading!
P.S. Kudos to C.S. Lewis notwithstanding, as I argued in my response to Desiring God (which I hope to post soon), the foundation of Christian hedonism indeed predates Lewis.