On January 22, 1973 the Supreme Court ruled that women, as part of their right to privacy, have a qualified right to terminate their pregnancies under certain conditions. Since that time, over 47 million innocent babies have been killed.
Mr. John Ensor discovered that a disproportionately high number of abortions are committed in five states, one of which is Florida (the others included California, Nevada, New York, and another). And 40% of the abortions in Florida occur in Miami. John Piper’s sermon this weekend (not yet posted) highlighted the ministry of John Ensor in Miami appropriately called Heartbeat of Miami. From their website:
Heartbeat of Miami is a bold and winsome call to the Christian community to open 3 to 5 pregnancy help centers in the neediest neighborhoods of Miami over the next two years. These centers will be equipped with ultrasound and staffed by nurses, trained peer counselors, and volunteers from the Christian community. When established they will save thousands of women every year from the violence and agony of abortion- in direct competition to the nearly 40 (!) abortion facilities operating in Miami.
Beyond Miami, the strategy is to raise up new crisis pregnancy centers in the urban centers of the USA where a staggering 94% of America’s abortion facilities exist. In essence, going toe-to-toe against Planned Parenthood. This strikes me as a wise plan to maximize effectiveness at saving lives while raising the consciences of the nation to the fact that loving Christians stand ready to help those experiencing unwanted pregnancies at every step of the process (not just before the baby is born).
This sobering and moving video can help us further appreciate the horror of abortion, and resolve to hasten the day when to be pro-choice is unthinkable.
(HT: Between Two Worlds)