First some background: A few days ago I mentioned the New Word Alive conference, which is (at least in part) an outgrowth of a fresh split in UK Evangelicalism over Steve Chalke’s description of penal substitution as “cosmic child abuse.” Chalke infamously used this term in his book The Lost Message of Jesus.
IVP-UK published a book defending penal substitution (and thus opposing Chalke) entitled Pierced for our Transgressions, by Steve Jeffrey, Mike Ovey, and Andrew Sach. It includes a foreword by John Piper and numerous endorsements. (The book will be available in North America this November via Crossway.)
Now, here’s the N.T. Wright bit. Wright endorsed Chalke’s book, but now has issued a statement which seems to differ from a four-page defense that Chalke wrote of his book. Adrian Warnock provides a good overview of the situation.
(HT: Denny Burk)
Update: Authors of Pierced for Our Transgressions have responded to N.T. Wright’s critique. (HT: Between Two Worlds)
Also: Jim Hamilton offers a cogent, measured response.