Only One Way?: Reaffirming the Exclusive Truth Claims of Christianity looks like an outstanding book with which to engage college students or young professionals influenced by relativism and post-modernism. Each chapter brings a passage of Scripture to bear on a particular theme of the uniqueness of Christianity. The contributors are David Wells (on Acts 17:16-31), Peter Jones (on Genesis 1:1), Richard Phillips (on Romans 3:23-25), Phillip Ryken (on John 18:37-38), Ligon Duncan (on I Peter 2:9-10), and D.A. Carson (on Matthew 7:13-27). Richard Philips is the general editor. This book would be a great gift to a college graduate, youth pastor, or campus minister.
The publisher’s description:
Centuries ago Christ made a claim that disconcerts as many today as it did then—he is the way of salvation. Ironically, he spoke these words to comfort his disciples on the night of his arrest. Richard Phillips is just one of six highly respected authors seeking to reaffirm these comforting words and other exclusive claims of Christianity for today’s reader.
Each chapter proclaims, defends, and explains the Christian truths that are most directly challenged by postmodern relativism. Our God is the God; Jesus is not merely a savior, but the only Savior; and the truth revealed in the Bible is divine truth. As readers grasp these essential ideas and their implications they will be able to witness powerfully by articulating these claims with clarity, conviction, and love.
The table of contents is available, as well as on-line browsing.
(HT: Jim Hamilton)