The twelve page paper, originally envisioned by Don Carson and Tim Keller, is now available.
A brief outline:
I. The Gospel For All of Life: Preamble
II. Confessional Statement
A. The Triune God
B. Revelation
C. Creation
D. The Fall
E. The Plan of God
F. The Gospel
G. The Redemption of Christ
H. The Justification of Sinners
I. The Power of the Holy Spirit
J. The Kingdom of God
K. God’s New People
L. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
M. The Restoration of All Things
III. Theological Vision for Ministry
A. How should we respond to the cultural crisis of truth? (The epistemological issue)
1. Truth is corresponding to reality.
2. Truth is conveyed by Scripture.
3. Truth is correspondence of life to God.
4. This vision of truth shapes us.
B. How should we relate to the culture around us? (The contextualized issue)
1. By being counter-cultural.
2. For the common good.
3. How this relationship to culture shapes us.
C. How should we read the Bible? (The hermeneutical issue)
1. Reading ‘along’ the whole Bible.
2. Reading ‘across’ the whole Bible.
3. How this reading of the Bile shapes us.
D. In what ways is the gospel unique?
E. What is gospel-centered ministry?
1. Empowered corporate worship.
2. Evangelistic effectiveness.
3. Counter-cultural community.
4. The integration of faith and work.
5. The doing of justice and mercy.
IV. Conclusion
(HT: Justin Buzzard)