We just finished our fantastic week-long course on Galatians with Dr. Tom Schreiner. What a blast! And thoroughly exhausting. Chapters 2 and 3 seem to be the toughest, and I’ve got sections of commentaries by Dunn, Witherington, Fung, Longenecker, F.F. Bruce, Burton, along with articles by Doug Moo, Schreiner, and Andrew Cowan to digest. I also plan to get N.T. Wright’s Paul in Fresh Perspective from the library, and some of Frank Thielman’s works. If I can get an ILL copy of Ciampa’s Ph.D. work in time, I’ll try to skim that too (Thanks for the heads up, Johnathan).
I’d appreciate any prayers on my behalf, as the next few weeks will be quite hectic. I’ll leave you with this good word from John Piper on an Antidote to New Perspective.