This is perhaps the all-time classic debate among Christians. Who does what in salvation? Are Christians elect because God foresaw that they would put their faith in Christ, are did we put our faith in Christ because we are elect?
Well, I completed another paper in my Practical Theology course. This one had to do with the TULIP acrostic. We attended a seminar from Pastor John Piper on the topic (available on CD) and then read the following works (all by Piper):
T.U.L.I.P– What We Believe About the Five Points of Calvinism
Chapters 2 and 5 of The Pleasures of God.
Chapters 3, 10, 11 of The Justification of God.
Then we wrote a paper responding to an Arminian book of our choice. I chose Why I Am Not a Calvinist because I had heard good things about it. Indeed, the book was very well-written, and Dr. Walls was gracious enough to correspond (debate?) extensively with me via e-mail to make sure I was clearly understanding their book.
In subsequent posts, I’ll provide a brief summary of their book’s central arguments, followed by my response.