The generosity of Desiring God continues. They have now posted the audio for all of Pastor John’s Practical Theology seminars for free:
1. Biblical Eldership (my post, and response paper)
2. Desiring God (my post, and response paper)
3. Future Grace (post and response paper are forthcoming)
4. Gravity and Gladness on Sunday Morning: The Pursuit of God in Corporate Worship (my post and response paper)
5. Prayer, Meditation, and Fasting (my post and response paper)
6. Sexual Complementarity: The Pursuit of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (my post and response paper, parts one and two)
7. Suffering for the Sake of the Body: The Pursuit of People Through Pain (my post and response paper)
8. TULIP (series of posts, which include my response to Walls & Dongell)
9. Why We Believe the Bible (my post and response paper)
(HT: JT)