I had the privilege of sitting in for part of a conference call earlier this week with Governor Huckabee and numerous other bloggers. I was impressed with his showing at the Values Voters Straw Poll, where he secured more votes than all the other candidates combined (if we count only those voters actually in attendance). Most of what Huckabee says makes sense to me, including his Fair Tax plan. While I think his goal of being energy independent within ten years seems overly ambitious, it is laudable.
In case you missed it, his speech to Values Voters is now available.
Who are you voting for? Here’s a great Huckabee interview. (HT: Josh Harris via Justin Taylor) Note that Huckabee wisely calls upon Republicans to have a healthy respect for Senator Clinton. I find it amazing that so many Republicans think that because Hillary has high negative ratings (which she does), all will go well in November 2008. Not true. George W. had high negatives in 2004, but John Kerry had not been able to excite enough people. If the GOP does not put forth a candidate that can run a compelling, positive campaign, then Clinton will be (back) in the White House.