Randy Alcorn delivers a devastating rebuke on the many “Anyone But Clinton” Giuliani-supporters:
I mean no disrespect, but actually, yes, there ARE worse things than Hillary being elected. In my opinion, having to stand before God to answer for compromising biblical convictions and acting as moral hypocrites by voting for an unprincipled man who will not defend the innocent and care for his own family is far worse. God will not judge me in light of whether I’ve followed conservativism or promoted Republicanism, but as to whether I have honored my Lord Jesus.
Alcorn is referring to the fact that Giuliani, in his third marriage, is all but estranged from his adult children (daughter, 18, and son, 21). These young adults report that in the last couple of years their father has not been a part of their lives. You may recall that several years ago Giuliani, still married, was going to public galas with his new girlfriend (his kids would have been teenagers then). Understandably, his children do not support his campaign.
Earlier, Alcorn notes:
So, how is it that followers of Jesus who stand for the cause of unborn children and family values are supposed to support a man who will not 1) defend the rights of the unborn, 2) define marriage as between a man and a woman; 3) keep his vows to his wife and 4) refrain from betraying and abandoning his own children?
[Pat] Robertson promises Giuliani will lead the way against terrorism. But what would he do that most of the other Republican candidates, and perhaps one or more of the Democrats, wouldn’t do? And why is he unconcerned about the acts of terrorism committed against millions of unborn children across the country and in his own city? Why should we expect God to defend the cause of a nation that kills His children?
And one more:
Sacrifice children on the altar of Republicanism? I won’t do it. The children aren’t expendable. The Republican party is. The logic that we’ll really save lives because fewer will die under Rudy than Hillary doesn’t cut it. No, I’ll vote for someone who won’t sacrifice children on the altar of expedience, pragmatism, partisanship or economic philosophy. And I won’t consider it a wasted vote, because if the two options on a ballot so blatantly dishonor Christ and His values, then the real waste would be voting for one of them.
Read the whole thing.
Related: Alcorn endorses Huckabee