Alex and Brett Harris recently sent me a copy of their manuscript with a request that I consider adding an endorsement. I was honored by the request and glad to add a few good words about this excellent book. My endorsement:
“In a culture of low expectations, non-stop entertainment and short attention spans, teenagers Alex and Brett Harris provide a voice of reason and a stirring exhortation to productive action in the name of Christ. As a university professor, I am not unaware of the Gen Y propensity to demand more recognition for less effort and to associate self-esteem with mere being rather than for actual accomplishment. Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations is a clarion call to teenagers everywhere to put away childishness and the fruit of immaturity and channel the energy of youth, in small ways and big ways, into world-changing activity with eternal significance. I highly recommend it.”
This topic is near and dear to my heart. The extended adolescence in our day is unprecedented in modern history and a huge waste of human capital. Alex and Brett Harris provide the antidote. If you are a teenager, read it and join the growing counter-culture. Youth pastors and family pastors will also want to get this book.