Every year at the Desiring God Conference for Pastors, John Piper does a biographical message on a great saint. This year, with the theme of the Conference being The Pastor as Father & Son, John Piper preached on his own father, Bill Piper. The message is a great vista into John’s heart for preaching, the glory of God, joy in God, salvation, and so much more. The text of John’s message includes some great video clips of his Dad preaching, and the comparison between Father and Son is most remarkable. Snippets of Bill Piper’s sermon texts also reveal the same sort of poetic richness that many of us have grown to love in John Piper.
There is also great insight into Bill Piper as a Fundamentalist (with some helpful background on the Fundamentalist-Modernist controversy as it developed from the 1930s into the 1950s).