Graeme Goldsworthy is one of the sharpest scholars today on the topic of biblical theology. Donald Hagner defines biblical theology this way:
“Biblical theology is that discipline which sets forth the message of the books of the Bible in their historical setting. Biblical theology is primarily a descriptive discipline. It is not initially concerned with the final meaning of the teachings of the Bible or their relevance for today. This is the task of systematic theology. Biblical theology has the task of expounding the theology found in the Bible in its own historical setting, and its own terms, categories, and thought forms. It is the obvious intent of the Bible to tell a story about God and his acts in history for humanity’s salvation.”
(-From George E. Ladd A Theology of the New Testament)
Dr. Goldsworthy recently gave three lectures on biblical theology at Southern Seminary.
1. The Necessity and Viability of Biblical Theology (MP3) (PDF)
2. Biblical Theology in the Seminary and Bible College (MP3) (PDF)
3. Biblical Theology and Its Pastoral Application (MP3) (PDF)
I was profoundly helped by Goldsworthy’s masterful Preaching the Whole Bible as Christian Scripture.
(HT: Brent Parker)