Bob Kauflin writes about his preparing to help facilitate worship at Together for the Gospel (April 15-17) and New Attitude (May 24-27). The conferences will feature similar speakers, but different musical styles. He notes:
It struck me that these conferences demonstrate how we can celebrate the Gospel in different forms musically, but aim for the same goal – to magnify the greatness of God in Jesus Christ in people’s hearts, minds, and wills. By God’s grace, the T4G conference isn’t going to be “stodgy and stifling,” and the New Attitude conference isn’t going to be “wild and shallow.” I think folks from both events will leave more in love with the Savior, and better equipped to advance the Gospel in their communities.
Kauflin is the author of Worship Matters: Leading Others to Encounter the Greatness of God, recently published by Crossway. The Foreword and Chapters 1-2 can be freely viewed.