Southern Baptists in particular will be interested in a fascinating new book by Dr. David Dockery entitled Southern Baptist Consensus and Renewal: A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Proposal. From the book’s preface:
Southern Baptists have entered the twenty-first century following a lengthy period of controversy. The good news is that a commitment to the full truthfulness of Holy Scripture has been reclaimed and we cannot shrink back from this commitment. Southern Baptists, however, continue to struggle, wrestling with identity, cooperation, and unity, which has implications for missions, worship, education, and other ministries of our shared Convention life.
The endorsements are plentiful and diverse:
Finally, Southern Baptists of the 21st Century are shown the way back home. David Dockery, in the fresh and studied manner so typical of all his writings, calls for a fresh return to our theological, educational, and missiological roots. If you have written off the necessity, or even the possibility of future cooperation for the sake of God’s kingdom, the passionate appeal of this book will most likely reverse your thinking. Few people know Southern Baptists as well as Dockery, and no one is better able to provide a compass by which to steer us, once again, our of our doldrums and onto the high seas of effectiveness.
Tom Eliff, Senior Vice President for Spiritual Nurture and Church Relations, International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention and Former President of the Southern Baptist Convention
Southern Baptist Consensus and Renewal is a comprehenisve and challenging mandate for Southern Baptists in the 21st Century. It calls our denomination to nothing less than a Great Commission resurgence rooted in the great biblical and theological truths that we hold in common. David Dockery is, as always, careful, insightful, and gracious. Here is a thesis that can chart a course for our denomination. It is my prayer that this book will not only be read, but that its vision will be embraced.
Daniel L. Akin, President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
This book is the result of love working through truth and truth working through love. This book has been wrtten by one who has been both a Royal Ambassador and renowned Christian scholar. Let’s pray that David Dockery’s keen insights into Southern Baptist theology, worship, and cooperation will open up a conversation that leads us as Southern Baptists to greater conformity to Christ in mission with Him. The Southern Baptist Convention envisioned by David Dockery is one committed to biblical orthodoxy, confessional fidelity, missions fervor, cultural engagement, ecclesial rootedness, and Christ-centered worship. Let’s open Dockery’s book, along with our Bibles and our world maps, and pray for wisdom, love, and fidelity, to get there from here.
Russell D. Moore, Senior Vice-President for Academic Administration and Dean, School of Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
David Dockery’s Southern Baptist Consensus and Renewal is the best introduction to the current state of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Mark E. Dever, Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington, D. C.
Having seen the Southern Baptist Convention “up close and personal” in recent years, I am convinced that a book such as this one is deeply and widely needed. It is multifaceted in its content. It is a primer on Southern Baptist history. It is a skillful analysis of the many forces and factors which have made us who we are. It is a masterful discussion of the theological issues which should pull us together and point us toward unity. Most of all, it is a call from a man devoted to God to encourage a Convention to remember its biblical purpose. I commend Southern Baptist Consensus and Renewal to everyone.
Frank S. Page, President, Southern Baptist Convention and Pastor, Taylors Baptist Church, Greenville, South Carolina
Also, Timothy George, Thom S. Rainer, Jimmy Draper, Jim Henry, Gregory A. Wills, Terry L. Wilder, John Sullivan, Morris H. Chapman, James Merritt, and Al Jackson. (Read them all.)