If you’ve not seen it, save your time and your money. And preserve your happy memories. For the sake of full disclosure, I have actually (hold your breath) never read Prince Caspian, and I was still disappointed. Primarily because I’ve read enough of C.S. Lewis to know that they way they depicted Susan was ridiculous (and I have read The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardbrobe). I shall have to read the entire series now, and stay away from the rest of the movies. Such a pity, because the first installment was done so well. Steve Altrogge:
For the first ten minutes everything was fine. Then things started going south. If you haven’t seen the movie I’ll try not to spoil it for you. But here’s a few things that frustrated me –
1. Aslan is in the movie for a grand total of about ten minutes, part of which is dream sequence.
2. Instead of being friends like in the book, Peter and Caspian develop a junior-high power struggle
3. Susan has a “Saved By The Bell”-like crush on Caspian
4. Insert extended “Can we make this like Braveheart?” castle invasion scene that wasn’t in the book.
Also, 14-year old Lady Rachel expresses disappointment.
(HT: Josh Harris)