Immediately after Senator Clinton conceded, I commented on her decision to suspend her campaign, but not relinquish her delegates to Obama. I agreed with Dick Morris that she was still keeping the flame alive. Now, Karen Tumulty of Time Magazine reports on the recent developments:
In private conversations, associates say, Clinton remains skeptical that Obama can win in the fall. That’s a sentiment some other Democrats believe is not just a prediction but a wish, because it would prove her right about his weaknesses as a general-election candidate and possibly pave the way for her to run again in 2012. Clinton is also annoyed that Obama has yet to deliver on his end of an informal bargain, reached as part of their truce, that each would raise $500,000 for the other. “Hillary has done her part in that regard,” says an adviser. “Obama has not.”
And there appears to be a possibility that she will be formally nominated at the Democratic Convention later this month in Denver:
Clinton has been giving tacit encouragement to suggestions that her name be placed in nomination at the convention, a symbolic move that would be a reminder of the bruising primary battle. “No decisions have been made,” Clinton said when asked in California — to whoops and applause — about that possibility. Still, it was hard to miss what Clinton would like to see in the pointed way she added, “Delegates can decide to do this on their own. They don’t need permission.”
Read the whole thing.