Pastor Rick Warren did a lengthy interview with following the Saddleback Civil Forum this past Saturday. Excerpt:
When you asked Obama about when life begins, he punted, saying “It’s above my pay grade.” Should someone running for the highest office in the land have a clear answer to that, or is that kind of ambivalence acceptable?
WARREN: No. I think he needed to be more specific on that. I happen to disagree with Barack on that. Like I said, he’s a friend. But to me, I would not want to die and get before God one day and go, “Oh, sorry, I didn’t take the time to figure out” because if I was wrong, then it had severe implications for my leadership if I had the ability to do something about it. He should either say, “No, scientifically, I do not believe it’s a human being until X” or whatever it is or say, “Yes, I believe it is a human being at X point,” whether it’s conception or anything else. But to just say “I don’t know” on the most divisive issue in America is not a clear enough answer for me.
(HT: The Christian Post via Daniel L. Patterson)