WARREN: What is worth dying for?
McCAIN: Freedom. We cannot right every wrong, but we can be a beacon of hope for the world. We won the cold war without firing a shot. We can defeat radical Islamic.
WARREN: What about genocide — in Darfur or Georgia?
McCAIN: We need to stop genocide. We need to work with many groups to fight it.
WARREN: Russia?
McCAIN went off on Russia, and on the devastation being experienced by Georgians. Let’ s get the humanitarian aid to Georgia and send a clear message to the Russians.
WARREN: Religious liberty?
McCAIN: We need to support religious liberty everywhere…… (made stronger and more heart-felt remarks than Obama, in my opinion).
WARREN: Orphans?
McCAIN: We need to make adoption easier in America. McCain noted that he and Cindy have adopted children from overseas.
WARREN: In one minute, why do you want to be President.
McCAIN: Inspire the next generation to serve a cause greater than themselves. Work across party lines. Get things done for the good of our country.
WARREN: What would you say to those who oppose my asking you these questions in a church?
McCAIN: I’m glad to be here. I think this venue is very important.
Saddleback Civil Forum: McCain – Stewardship
WARREN: Which Supreme Court justice would you not have nominated?
McCAIN: Souter, Ginsberg, Stephens…. (named four of them). Said he likes Alito and Roberts a lot.
WARREN: 80% think that faith-based groups do a better job than the government.
McCAIN: No restriction to hire on the basis of faith.
WARREN: We rank 19th in graduation, and 1st in incarcerations. Do you support merit pay for teachers?
McCAIN: Yes, and we should find bad teachers other lines of work. Choice and competition for every American. This is a Civil Rights Issue of the 21st century.
WARREN: Define the rich. When does someone move from middle class to rich?
McCAIN: I don’t believe in class warfare; I want everyone to get rich. What’s happened is that spending has gotten out of control. We cannot raise taxes in tough economic times. Americans are facing big challenges. I want to give a $7000 tax credit and a $5000 refundable tax credit to purchase health care of their choice.
WARREN: Do our rights to privacy and our national security interests ever collide?
McCAIN: Yes, and one issue is secret ballots for unions. We have to keep up with our enemy’s ways of communicating.
Saddleback Civil Forum: McCain – Worldview
WARREN: What does it mean to you to be a Christian?
McCAIN: It means I’m forgiven. (Told the story of the soldier who eased his pain in North Vietnam.)
WARREN: At what moment is a baby entitled to human rights.
McCAIN: At the moment of conception. I have a 25 year voting record that is pro-life.
WARREN: Define marriage.
McCAIN: One man, one woman. I think the CA Supreme Court was wrong to over-turn the Prop 22 from 2000. I think the states should decide this, but I might at some point support a Constitutional Amendment.
WARREN: Stem cell research.
McCAIN: I came down on the side of stem cell research. But I am wildly optimistic about skin cell research, which is coming more into view.
WARREN: Is there evil, and what should we do about it?
McCAIN: Defeat it. Which is what we will do in Iraq and elsewhere.
Saddleback Civil Forum: McCain – Leadership
WARREN: The three wisest people that you would listen to.
McCAIN: General David Petraus. John Lewis. Meg Whitman (CEO of eBAY). In these economically challenging times, we need to call on folks like Whitman.
WARREN: What’s been your greatest moral failure, and that of America?
McCAIN: My greatest moral failure, that of my first marriage. America: We don’t always do what’s best for the world (though we do that very well). We don’t always serve causes greater than our own self-interest.
WARREN: A lot of good legislation dies because of partisanship. An example of when you led against your party’s interest, and even your own, for the good of America.
McCain: Climate change, out of control spending, torture. The list goes on. But as a freshman on Congress, I did not support Reagan’s mission to send troops to Beirut for peace-keeping. As you recall, it met a tragic end.
WARREN: A decision you’ve reversed in the last 10 years.
McCAIN: Offshore drilling. We’ve got to drill now, but we also need a comprehensive “all of the above” policy.
WARREN: A time you’ve made a difficult decision, and how you came to make it.
McCAIN: Saying no to early release in prison in North Vietnam. It took a lot of prayer.