Earlier this year I had the privilege of reading through this manuscript for Reformation Trust and making various suggestions. Feed My Sheep is a simply outstanding collection of well-grounded, rich reflections on the preaching ministry from seasoned, deep-thinking, pastor-scholars. You might recall that an earlier edition of this book appeared in 2002 from Soli Deo Gloria ministries.
The chapter titles and authors:
1. The Primacy of Preaching – R. Albert Mohler Jr
2. The Foolishness of Preaching – James Montgomery Boice
3. Expository Preaching – Derek W. H. Thomas
4. Experiential Preaching – Joel R. Beeke
5. The Teaching Preacher – R. C. Sproul
6. Preaching to the Mind – R. C. Sproul Jr
7. Preaching to the Heart – Sinclair B. Ferguson
8. Preaching with Authority – Don Kistler
9. Evangelistic Preaching – Eric J. Alexander
10. Preaching to Suffering People – John Piper
11. A Reminder to Shepherds – John MacArthur
Some of the endorsements:
“This is the most compelling plea to restore preaching to its time-honored status that I have ever read. This book deserves to be read and reread to light the fire of passion and conviction for all who would publicly proclaim, ‘Thus says the Lord.’”
—Erwin Lutzer
Senior Pastor, Moody Church
Chicago, Ill.
“This book combines the wisdom and experience of a number of the foremost preachers of the present day. If it is received as it ought to be, we may yet see a mighty change for good in the current spiritual scene. I hope it will be widely read.”
—Iain Murray
Co-founder, Banner of Truth Trust
Edinburgh, Scotland
“Feed My Sheep is not only a passionate plea for preaching, but also a thorough review of what constitutes good preaching. Every minister of God’s Word will profit from prayerfully reading this book.”
—Jerry Bridges
author of The Pursuit of Holiness
Colorado Springs, Colo.
“There are a lot of books on preaching today, but not many good ones—this one is good. The subjects covered (and the accents of the authors as well) commend this volume to the minister and seminary student—and, indeed, to the church member who wants to learn what a real preaching ministry looks like, and who wants that for his church and from his pastor. It is spiritually challenging and topically pertinent.”
—J. Ligon Duncan III
Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church
Jackson, Miss.
“When I was in seminary, my homiletics professor encouraged us to set a lifetime goal of reading at least one book each year on preaching. If you can read only one book this year on preaching, make it Feed My Sheep. Students and experienced preachers alike can find both timely and timeless teaching here. Feed My Sheep is simply one of the best books on preaching to come along in years.”
—Don Whitney
author of Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life
Kansas City, Mo.
Read a sample chapter or buy the book.