The John Piper video I recently posted led to significant discussion in various circles. In particular, some took Piper’s concern regarding Sarah Palin’s decision to pursue the Vice-Presidency in spite of having young children (including one with Down Syndrome) as an implicit endorsement of Senator Obama. However, we should recall that Piper has publicly stated that he would never vote for a pro-choice candidate. Today, he ads a few clarifications about his views on women, the Presidency, the role of law, and voting. He closed with this paragraph:
“A person with my view may very well vote for a woman to be President if the man running against her holds views and espouses policies that may, as far as we can see, do more harm to more people than we think would be done by electing a woman President and thus exalting a flawed pattern of womanhood. In my view, defending abortion is far worse sin for a man than serving as Vice President is for a woman.”
Definitely read the whole thing.