Justin Taylor interviews Scott Klusendorf. Mr. Klusendorf is the President of Life Training Institute and the author of The Case for Life: Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture. Klusendorf’s remarks are gripping, convicting, and timely. He presents an articulate scientific and philosophical pro-life apologetic, helpfully (and accurately!) framing the pro-choice impetus as “the proposition that an entire class of human beings can be set aside to be killed simply because they are in the way of something we want.” He also offers some keen insights on the political activity of Christians, addressing the issue of whether we are too politically involved.
Klusendorf’s remarks remind us to neither lose heart nor zeal in our efforts for the unborn. The first question:
JT: Just how bad was this election for pro-lifers? Give us the big picture.
SK: There’s no doubt we’ve experienced a crushing defeat in the current political cycle. The executive and legislative branches of the federal government are now firmly in the hands of those deeply committed to the proposition that an entire class of human beings can be set aside to be killed simply because they are in the way of something we want. In the weeks ahead, even before the inaugural events get underway, we can expect abortion-choicers, along with their allies in the media, to declare the abortion debate over–at least politically.
They have reason to gloat. President-elect Obama, with eager support from a Democrat Congress, can easily deliver on his promises to sign the federal Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), provide federal funding for destructive embryo research (including cloning), stack the federal courts with activist judges, and craft a national health care plan that includes abortion coverage. This is all very bad.
But surrender is not an option. We have work to do.
Read the whole thing.