This incredible team of contributors brought together by Burk Parsons have assembled what looks like an outstanding introduction to the life, ministry, and heart of John Calvin.
“To my knowledge there never has been a collection of authors of any edited volume under whose ministry I would rather sit than these…This a good way to meet John Calvin: in the holy hearts of humble servants of Christ. The only better way would be to read the man himself.”
– John Piper
Contributors: Jay E. Adams, Eric J. Alexander, Thabiti Anyabwile, Thomas K. Ascol, Joel R. Beeke, Jerry Bridges, Sinclair B. Ferguson, W. Robert Godfrey, D. G. Hart, Michael Horton, Phillip R. Johnson, Steven J. Lawson, John MacArthur, Keith A. Mathison, Iain H. Murray, Burk Parsons, Richard D. Phillips, Harry L. Reeder, Philip Graham Ryken, Derek W. H. Thomas
The Desiring God blog features a helpful interview with Burk Parsons.
(HT: JT)