Three months ago, popular Christian singer Ray Boltz (known for songs such as “Thank You” among many others) publicly announced he was gay. As Mark Moring of Christianity Today explained at the time:
One reason Boltz decided to come out now might be because he’s performing Sunday at Jesus Metropolitan Community Church in Indianapolis, and then next Sunday, Sept. 21, at the Metropolitan Community Church of Washington, D.C. Both congregations are a part of a denomination that embraces the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) community.
Today, Mike Ensley, who serves in Exodus International’s Student Ministry, published an outstanding and convicting reflection on the tendency of Christians and churches to shun those that struggle with same-sex attraction. An excerpt:
In one of his initial statements concerning his “coming out,” Ray mentioned trying to overcome his same-sex struggle by reading books on the issue. Books — that’s all he felt he had. I know there are many other people the world over who only have that much to turn to, at least for now. Exodus hears from people every day asking for help that we are simply too small to provide. And that’s just the people who struggle with this unpopular issue.
Would this be true if the Church were what Jesus intended it to be? Are people perceived to be of “ill repute” and sinful reputation drawn to us the way they were drawn to Him? Do we show them His grace and compassion that was so radical and unwavering that He was able, in the midst of it, to call out their sin and transform their hearts?
Or do we shoot our wounded?
Read the whole thing.