Yesterday, Charles Krauthammer, one of the most insightful political commentators of our day, received the 2009 Eric Breindel Award for Excellence in Opinion Journalism. The New York post published some of Mr. Krauthammer’s remarks upon receiving the honor. An excerpt:
At a time when awards in the humanities are a near-monopoly of the left — Nobel peace prizes awarded to those, from Yasir Arafat to Jimmy Carter, who give the most succor to the forces of terror and tyranny; Pulitzers given to whichever newspaper can expose the more damaging national-security secrets — it is important for there to be an award to recognize and encourage journalism and, more generally, political thinking of a different kind.
Fox News has a two-minute video with remarks from Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes, and Dick Cheney. Murdoch notes, “We think he’s the outstanding conservative journalist in the country at the moment.” The former Vice President concurs: “He has been, over the years I’ve known him, I would say, the outstanding columnist in Washington.”
Congratulation, Dr. K., on the well-deserved recognition.