Recently, the Presbyterian Church of America held a friendly, in-house discussion on the commissioning (not ordaining) of female deacons (i.e., deaconesses). Dr. Ligon Duncan maintained the position that:
“There are better-attested ways of encouraging our women in the diaconal ministry of the church than creating a class of female deacons (and there are already helpful suggestions toward that better way in our [denominational] standards).”
And Dr. Tim Keller defended the view that:
“The biblical evidence is strong that women were examined for and appointed to do diaconal work in the local church, and that this work … was publicly recognized and was held in honor among all.”
Their interaction is edifying for those outside the PCA as well.
In addition to making the text of Dr. Duncan’s and Dr. Keller’s remarks available (the links above), byFaith magazine has now made available the audio of a Q&A session which followed their presentations.