John Piper clarified his remarks on the tornado that ripped through Minneapolis, MN while the ELCA was having their national convention (during which they voted to allow for people in “publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships to serve as rostered leaders of this church“). In a sense, he reiterated his remarks, which many have misunderstood.
Piper notes:
God’s message to me in my tornado [prostate cancer] was essentially the same as to the ELCA in theirs. My tornado was “a gentle but firm warning to me and all of us: Turn from every approval of sin in your life. Turn from the justification and promotion of any behaviors in your life that lead to destruction. Reaffirm the great biblical heritage of allegiance to the truth and authority of Scripture. Turn back from your inveterate bent to distort the grace of God into sensuality. Rejoice in the pardon of the cross of Christ and its power to transform you and all other sinners.” (from Thursday’s post)
Read the whole thing.