Michael Horton interviews pastor Tim Keller about his NY Times best selling book The Reason For God. It is a fascinating 35-minute conversation in which Keller talks about why the world is getting both more religious and less religious (depending on which group you are looking at). Keller helpfully balances the importance of doctrinal and theological seriousness and contextualization (engaging the culture, but not in a shallow, sentimental fashion).
Also addressed is the first chapter of The Reason For God, which shows how everyone has exclusive beliefs; embracing the exclusive truth claims of Christ do not make someone an intolerant, threatening neighbor. Hell, the wrath of God, and the unity of the Godhead in the vicarious atoning death of Christ are all discussed. Keller gives some great illustrations of how to explain why a God who is predisposed to forgive nevertheless requires a payment for that sin.
Amazingly, Keller’s book is still in the top 1000 on Amazon.