Sam Storms recently gave a series of excellent messages at the Bethlehem Pastors Conference on the subject of Christian hedonism. You can find the audio for them here. John Piper says of Sam Storms:
“There are few people on the planet who embody in life and in teaching the radically biblical and Edwardsian message of Christian Hedonism better than Sam Storms.”
Storms has just published a two-volume devotional commentary on the book of 2 Corinthians. Each of the volumes has 50 meditations. Each meditation is a 4-5 page reflection on 4-5 verses from the book of 2 Corinthians. They look like great companions to reading through Paul’s second letter to the church at Corinth. I have always found Sam to be amazingly readable. His book Chosen For Life was a big influence for me 13 years ago as I came to embrace the doctrines of grace. I’ve been grateful for his ministry ever since.