The February issue of Tabletalk is on the topic of justification and the “new perspective on Paul.” Contributors include R.C. Sproul, Michael Horton, Derek Thomas, Cornelis Venema, John Piper, D.A. Carson, J.V. Fesko, Guy Waters, Roger Nicole, Paul Helm, Sinclair Ferguson, Thomas Schreiner and Albert Mohler. Ligonier Ministries was kind enough to make several of these articles freely available on the Internet: “Justification for Everyone” by Burk Parsons, “Tilting at Scarecrows” by R.C. Sproul, “An Unpopular Vision” by George Grant, “The Missing Motive” by Eric Alexander, “On Controversy” by Keith Mathison, “Two Birds, One Stone” by R.C. Sproul Jr.