I’m thrilled to announce that Alex and Brett Harris, co-authors of best-selling Do Hard Things and Start Here, have written the Foreword for Thriving at College (note the updated info on Amazon).
Here’s how the Foreword ends:
“The student who thrives at college—the student who glorifies God with his or her college years—is the one who sees it as a great opportunity that comes with great responsibility. Alex Chediak understands this better than most, with the experience and heart to help students reach their full God-given potential. Thriving at College will help you navigate the common pitfalls relating to faith, relationships, academics, and extracurricular activities.
There is no better guide to college than this.”
-Alex and Brett Harris
And a couple other endorsements (for previous endorsement posts, see here and here):
“Many in my generation look back on their college years with regrets, wishing we had been more intentional and focused during our time on campus. Alex Chediak’s book would have helped us. Like a skilled mountain guide leading through potentially treacherous terrain, he wisely and effectively helps students understand how to get the most out of their time inside and outside of the college classroom. Before you invest four years of your life and tens of thousands of dollars, spend a few dollars and a few hours to read this book.”
Bob Lepine, Co-Host
FamilyLife Today
“Alex Chediak’s goal is to spare college-bound young people from entering college thoughtlessly and then drifting after they are there. The book has all the right ingredients to meet that goal for anyone who reads it. The book has two great strengths. The topics that Chediak puts on the table are a veritable guide to the college experience. Secondly, Chediak writes about these topics engagingly, with good sense, and thoughtfully. I can commend the book by saying to young people headed for college: Don’t leave home without it.”
Dr. Leland Ryken
Professor, Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL
Author, Redeeming the Time: A Christian Approach to Work and Leisure