Sorry the blogging is so light these days. My schedule has been quite full of late and I’m looking forward the redesign of this site, which should be ready in a few weeks. It’s Wednesday, so here’s the next installment of endorsements for Thriving at College. The two books listed below by Dr. Veith were quite helpful to me in the writing of the academic chapters of the book.
“Since my oldest son is getting ready to tackle college in a couple years, I’m super grateful for Alex Chediak’s book. Writing from the perspective of both a parent and a professor, Dr. Chediak presents a practical guide on how students can spiritually and intellectually thrive during their college years. In clear, concise, and compelling ways he “tackles” the issues students will inevitably encounter, showing how both the obstacles and opportunities can serve to develop character that will last a lifetime. This book will be required reading for all three of my children.”
Tullian Tchividjian
Senior Pastor, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Author, Unfashionable: Making a Difference in the World by Being Different
“A handbook of practical wisdom for the would-be college student. Chediak expertly navigates the competing callings of undergraduate life, shedding light on what it means both to ‘love God with all your mind’ and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’ This book is an essential summer read for every incoming freshman.”
Dr. Gene Veith
Provost and Professor of Literature, Patrick Henry College
Author of Loving God With All Your Mind and God at Work
“When Alex Chediak talks about thriving at college, he speaks from experience. After all, he’s spent a lot of time on campus: from undergrad to professor. Yet he’s also been involved for many years in college and singles ministry. Put all of that together, along with a wide knowledge of Scripture, and you have the ideal author of a really helpful book. However, this book lacks a lot that one might expect, like a condescending tone, easy formulas, and clichés. Thriving at College is full of wisdom on every major aspect of this wonderful episode in the life of many people today: spiritual, relational, ethical, and even economic.”
Dr. Michael Horton
J. G. Machen Professor of Theology, Westminster Seminary California, Escondido, CA
Author, The Christian Faith: A Systematic Theology for Pilgrims on the Way
Previous endorsement posts have featured Alex & Brett Harris, Bob Lepine, and Leland Ryken, and before that Albert Mohler, Jerry Bridges, and Tedd Tripp, and before that Randy Alcorn and David Dockery. Perhaps consider “liking” the book on Facebook (hoping to learn more about the FB page thing in due course).