Michael Horton is J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics at Westminster Seminary California. His new systematic theology, hot off the press, is available for one-week only at $27.49 from WTS Books. That’s 45% off, and a few bucks less than Amazon. I just got my copy and it looks great.
“Michael Horton’s new systematic theology has been long-awaited and does not disappoint. Here is classic, deep, orthodox Reformed theology, written in a way that is thoughtful and engaged… For those who think one must make a choice between guarding the faith and being thoughtfully relevant, think again: this book both teaches theology and is an example of how theology should be done. The reader who is undaunted by the number of pages will be richly rewarded.”
— Carl Trueman, Professor of Historical Theology and Church History and Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Westminster Theological Seminary
“[A] major restatement of Christian truth for today… carried through in a fresh and stimulating fashion out of a deep commitment to Reformation and post-Reformation orthodoxy enriched by the subsequent redemptive-historical insights of Geerhardus Vos and others… One may have reservations about the author’s “forensic ontology” and aspects of his use of speech act theory yet benefit greatly from his able and biblically sound treatment of numerous theological topics.”
— Richard B. Gaffin, Jr., Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Emeritus, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia
“[A] systematic theology for this generation of the Reformed movement.”
— Bryan Chapell, President, Covenant Theological Seminary
“A crisp, clear, and forceful new theology that is at once biblical and reverent, historical and contemporary, learned but accessible.”
— David F. Wells, Distinguished Research Professor, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
“Dr. Horton has produced a remarkable work. His approach to systematic theology is fresh and critically needed in our time.”
— R. C. Sproul, Chairman and President, Ligonier Ministries
“Horton’s Christian Faith has the great merit of never letting the reader forget that doctrine is for disciples who want to walk the way of Jesus Christ. Horton knows that the best systematic theology is a practical theology—one that helps us understand the ways of God, makes sense of life, and gives direction for God-glorifying living. He also knows that the best systematic theologies draw on biblical and historical theology. May many readers therefore take up this book, read, and walk!”
— Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Blanchard Professor of Theology, Wheaton College and Graduate School