That’s the question Costco Connection posed to two experts: Stephen J. Rose (labor economist and author of Social Stratification in the United States and Richard Vedder (Distinguished Professor of Economics at Ohio University and author of Going Broke by Degree: Why College Costs Too Much
Rose argues that as many people as possible should pursue college, given that today’s worker with a bachelor’s degree earns, on average, 74% more than a worker without such a degree (an increase from 40% more in 1980). Vedder argues that too many pursue college today, and that many would be better off pursuing non-degree programs or vocational trade programs. Vedder notes that “nearly half of full-time students do not graduate in six years, enduing up with no diploma but sizable college debts.”
Check out their interaction. Do I have an opinion? Yes. It’s here.
Related Post: The College Debt Crisis