The good folks at Monergism have teamed up with Pastor Brian Borgman, author of the outstanding book Faith and Feelings, to give away a free MP3 CD containing 62 lectures on Reformed Theology.
Introduction to Reformed Faith
1. Tale of Two Gospels
2. Soli Deo Gloria: The Supremacy of God in All Things
3. Grace Needed: Total Depravity
4. Sola Scriptura: The Supremacy of Scripture
5. Grace Conceived: Unconditional Election
6. Sola Gratia: The Supremacy of Grace in Salvation
7. Sola Fide: The Supremacy of God in Salvation
8. Solus Christus: The Supremacy of Christ in Salvation
9. Grace Secured: Limited Atonement
10. Grace Applied: Irresistible Grace
11. Grace Triumphant: Perseverance of the Saints
12. The Assurance of Grace: Assurance in the Life of the Saints
13. The Grace of Law: God’s Law in the Life of the Saints
What Is Reformed Theology?
14. Introduction and First Principles
15. An Overview of Predestination
16. Predestination and Election
17. Predestination and Reprobation
18. Predestination and Foreknowledge: Those Whom He Foreknew
19. Predestination and Free Will (Pt 1)
20. Predestination and Free Will (Pt 2)
21. Predestination, Prayer & Evangelism
22. Predestination & Infants
23. Predestination & The Glory of God
The Sovereignty of God
24. The Sovereignty Revolution
25. What Makes God Happy
26. Does God Work off of a Blueprint? (Pt 1)
27. Does God Work off of a Blueprint? (Pt 2)
28. Not by Chance, But By His Hand (Pt 1)
29. Not by Chance, But By His Hand (Pt 2)
30. Not of Him Who Wills or Runs (Pt 1)
31. Not of Him Who Wills or Runs (Pt 2)
32. God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Will
33. If God is Sovereign, Why Is There Evil?
34. Is Satan the God of this World?
35. God’s Sovereignty Over Eternity
Attributes of God
36. The Names of God (Part 1)
37. The Names of God (Part 2) Yahweh
38. The Names of God (Part 3)
39. The Names of God (Part 4)
40. Names of God (Pt 5) Attributes of God (Pt 1) Simplicity & Unity
41. The Attributes of God (Part 2) Incomprehensibility/Self Sufficiency of God
42. The Attributes of God (Part 3) Self Sufficiency
43. The Attributes of God (Part 4) Immutability/Omniscience
44. The Attributes of God (Part 5) Omniscience
45. The Attributes of God (Part 6) Omnipotence
46. The Attributes of God (Part 7) Omnipotence/Absolute Sovereignty
47. The Attributes of God (Part 8 ) Goodness / Holiness
48. The Attributes of God (Part 9) Righteousness
49. The Attributes of God (Part 10) Justice
50. The Attributes of God (Part 11) Truth/Affections of God
51. The Attributes of God (Part 12) Affections (Pt 2)
52. The Attributes of God (Part 13) The Affections of God (Part3)
53. The Attributes of God (Part 14) The Love of God
54. The Attributes of God (Part 15) The Eternal Decree (Pt 1)
55. The Attributes of God (Part 16) The Eternal Decree (Pt 2)
God in Three Persons
56. Why Study The Trinity?
57. The Biblical Foundations of the Trinity (Pt 1)
58. The Biblical Foundations of the Trinity (Pt 2)
59. The Biblical Foundations of the Trinity (Pt 3)
60. The Biblical Foundations of the Trinity (Pt 4)
61. False Teachings About The Trinity
62. The Trinity At Work
Check out the offer.