Evangeline Han has posted an interview with me about Thriving at College. Check out her post – she’s giving away a free copy of Thriving at College.
Here’s an excerpt (my full answer is on her blog):
In the preface of Thriving at College, you wrote that your “college years could have been better” and that you wish you can give your younger-self advice. How did you go from your college-self to a person who writes advice for college students?
Many intervening years passed in between…..
…I wrote Thriving at College to help students do all four of these well: To not just keep the faith, but to dig deeper than they ever thought was possible. To not just stumble upon a major, but to wisely discover their calling – what God wired them to do to make a difference in the world. To not just have a blast with friends, but to cultivate lifelong relationships of substance with those who most spur them on to trust and love God. To put away childishness, to make wise choices, and as missionary William Carey once said, to “expect great things from God and attempt great things for God.” In short, to make the very best of their college years.
Read the whole thing and learn how you can win a free copy.