An excellent post by Michael Hyatt on how an author can prepare for radio and TV interviews. I’ve had something like 15-20 radio interviews in the last two months, so I wish I had read this post about three months ago. Here are his 10 points:
1. Prepare thoroughly for the interview.
2. Remember that the show is not about you.
3. Understand the audience.|
4. Don’t expect the interviewer to have read your book.
5. Be able to explain what your book is about in a few sentences.
6. Listen carefully to the questions.
7. Keep your answers brief and to-the-point.
8. Be energetic and authentic.
9. Don’t become defensive.
10. Refer listeners back to your book.
Hyatt’s advice is rock solid, but takes a lot of work to implement. And it’s not just working hard that matters here, it’s working smart, so read the post.
The investment is worthwhile. Hyatt’s conclusion is spot-on:
Writing a great book is half the job. The other half is embracing your role as the book’s chief spokesperson.
Yet the latter is often so much more difficult!