Pastor Doug Wilson on fathers asking would-be suitors about pornography:
Given how accessible porn is nowadays, it has inevitably caused certain dislocations in contemporary courtships. I do urge fathers to bring the subject up when prospective suitors first seek their permission to court their daughter. A father may feel it is an awkward subject for him to bring up, but it is certainly not going to get less awkward later on, when more is at stake.
An excerpt:
I am a pastor in a college town. I have no idea how many Christian young men I have counseled and taught about their problems with pornography, but the number would have to be a high one. These young men can be divided into two broad categories. By far the largest category is made up of those men for whom marriage is the solution to their problem. God’s answer to sexual temptation turns out to be (surprise!) sex. I have not measured this precisely, but let us say this group is in the 90% range. They are not gifted with celibacy, obviously, and so the apostle Paul shoos them toward the altar, telling them in his typical Pauline fashion, to get the lead out (1 Cor. 7:9). In this sense (and only in this sense), a struggle with sexual temptation is actually a qualification for marriage, not a disqualification. It is a reason why a man should get married, not why he shouldn’t.
Read the whole thing.
Related: This article and this other one on singleness/sexuality/marriage.