Yesterday, Dr. R.C. Sproul, Jr. reported that his wife Denise went home to be with the Lord, following a protracted battle with cancer. Today, he published a reflection that he wrote two days prior to her passing. He discusses our ungrateful tendency to forget past blessings, rather than remember how God in His providence has delivered us and graced us in countless ways. He writes:
“…as I face a future without the spiritual wisdom of my bride it is less important that I bank what I can still receive from her, and more important that I give thanks to God for all the wisdom He has bestowed over the years through her. Looking through the gift of her wisdom to the source of that wisdom makes it less likely that I will miss her wisdom while I miss her.”
His concluding paragraph:
It was the grace of God that gave us all a blessed life in southwest Virginia. Leaving there didn’t mean leaving that blessing. In like manner it was the grace of God that gave us the blessed life of having Denise for a wife and mother. Losing her doesn’t mean losing that grace. It means remembering where it ultimately came from. To confuse God’s means of grace with His grace is to fall into idolatry. To look beyond and through the blessing to its Giver is to understand how our God works through what He has made. God loves me. Where I live, and with whom doesn’t change that but reveals that. My calling is to give thanks.
Read the whole thing.