A brief interaction between Collin Hansen and John Piper on the Insider Movement in Muslim-majority cultures:
Also, the PCA’s Study Committee on Insider Movements has submitted the first part of their report (to be acted upon at the General Assembly in June). It’s an 89-page (PDF) document entitled “Like Father, Like Son: Divine Familial Language in Bible Translation.” (HT: JT)
One of their recommendations to organizations doing translation reads as follows (p. 75):
Bible translations should always use biological terms for divine familial relationships.
a) “Messiah” and “Beloved One” fall far short of the needed breadth of meaning.
b) Social sonship terms fail to capture the generative and genetic dimensions of identity inherent in the eternal begetting of the Son from the Father, and thus inadequately
substitute for terms with the begetting connotations of the original Greek and Hebrew terms.If two biological terms equally convey the generative and social dimensions of family, then the one with lesser sexual connotation could be more appropriate,
ceteris paribus.
What do you think?