The recent tirade by North Carolina pastor Charles L. Worley does incalculable damage to our witness for Christ. It implies that believing homosexuality is sin and/or that same-sex marriage has negative societal repercussions leads inexorably to hateful speech and behavior towards those who act upon or even experience same-sex attraction. It reinforces the world’s stereotype that Christians are judgmental and unloving, and thus raises the pressure to sacrifice our convictions in the name of tolerance.
The sentimental tolerance of our day suggests that relational harmony requires that truth be relative: what’s true for me need not be true for you. But biblical tolerance involves treating others charitably and respectfully even when our convictions require us to believe they are in error.
Listen to this video discussion from about 14:00-21:00 for a better perspective than Pastor Charles L. Worley expressed.
HT: Albert Mohler