Justin Taylor’s post captures what I was thinking as I watched some of the Democratic National Convention last night.
The Democrats have chosen a new tact this year in explicitly highlighting and celebrating their support of unrestricted legal abortion. It’s an interesting strategy, given that those self-identifying as “pro-choice” are at a recorded-low. The theme, however, is consistent with the fact that President Obama—whether you agree or disagree with his philosophy in other areas—has to be acknowledged as the most extreme presidential advocate of abortion-rights in American political history.
Read the rest for more background on how Republican and Democratic party platforms have varied with regard to their language on abortion since Roe v. Wade in 1973. Note that the 2012 Democratic party platform essentially calls for tax-payer funding of abortion (see p. 22 of 40):
Protecting A Woman’s Right to Choose. The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to make decisions regarding her pregnancy, including a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay. We oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right. Abortion is an intensely personal decision between a woman, her family, her doctor, and her clergy; there is no place for politicians or government to get in the way. (emphasis mine)
I don’t know how else to interpret “regardless of ability to pay.”