Today something wonderful happened. I stepped out of my office at work for a moment and returned to find this book on top of my file cabinet. No note. No envelope. It was just sitting there. Wow!
Every Good Endeavor, which releases Nov. 13 but is available now for pre-order, deals with a topic I’ve written a few articles about: Making a connection between our work and God’s work. In fact, it was Keller who led me to a Dorothy Sayers essay called Why Work? which I cited in Thriving at College.
The book is divided into three parts:
God’s Plan for Work
Chapters: The Design of Work, The Dignity of Work, Work as Cultivation, Work as Service.
Our Problems with Work
Chapters: Work Becomes Fruitless, Work Becomes Pointless, Work Becomes Selfish, Work Reveals Our Idols
The Gospel and Work
Chapters: A New Story for Work, A New Conception of Work, A New Compass for Work, New Power for Work.
The book’s Intro is available as a free PDF, and there’s an Epilogue on Leading People to Integrate Faith and Work.