In doing an Internet search, I came across a 200 page Doctor of Ministry dissertation by Sunghyun Pae. It’s entitled “John Piper’s Sermon Preparation: A Model for Pastors Who Emphasize The Supremacy of God in Expository Preaching.” Here’s the Abstract:
This dissertation aims to answer the question, How can the preacher complete the
process of his expository sermon preparation to manifest God‘s glory and exalt His
supremacy in preaching by studying Piper‘s life and methods? Based on an analysis of
Piper‘s writings and selected sermons, this project investigates Piper‘s background and
influences on his God-centered life and theological system. It then discuses Piper‘s
principles and skills of biblical exegesis, and it looks into the major influence on Piper‘s
biblical exegesis. It also describes Piper‘s philosophy of preaching: Piper‘s motivation
and purpose of preaching, and it investigate great preachers who impacted Piper‘s
preaching. It then discuses Piper‘s skills of expository preaching. Finally, it offers a
summary of the findings and an application.
I know next to nothing about D.M. dissertations, but I’m posting it here in case pastors or others in ministry want to ever comb it for nuggets of gold. (The dissertation received an A+ grade from his committee. Nice work, Dr. Pae!)