I’ve been reading a bit about John MacArthur’s recent Strange Fire conference (also the title of his new book), and of all the strange things I’ve read, this was the strangest: R.C. Sproul prayed in tongues. No, not at the conference, but earlier in his life. Here’s the opening of his article:
MANY PEOPLE ARE SURPRISED, AND SOME ARE shocked, when they hear of my involvement in the charismatic movement years ago.
It began in 1965, shortly after I returned from graduate study in Holland to teach philosophy and theology at my alma mater. Some of my senior students who were preparing for ministry kept talking to me excitedly about their experiences with the Holy Spirit and about receiving the gift of tongues.
Read the whole thing–it’s an excellent, balanced assessment, in my opinion. (For the sake of full disclosure, while a college student, I worshiped in charismatic circles for a period of 18 months, and while I sought the gift of tongues, never participated. I have an abiding respect for my charismatic friends, though I share the concerns Dr. Sproul conveys in his article.)
Here’s a link to Dr. Sproul’s message at the Strange Fire conference, entitled Undervaluing Pentecost.